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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of James Juliano, the minutes of March 14, 2012, seconded by Karen Piece and unanimously accepted as presented.  
Correspondence: Received a letter from the EPA requesting an inspection of the oil tank. The oil tank was due for an inspection in 2007, but never received one at that time. The EPA stressed that there are hefty fines involved if an inspection is not performed. Mr. Juliano received a contact number for an Environmental Service Contractor to come out and perform the work.
Mr. Juliano received a bid from Valley Restoration for the gold gilding in the amount of $19,560 which is somewhat on the high side. Mr. Juliano also, received a lower bid from a company out of New York which is qualified to do the work if contracted. A company out of New Hampshire came out and took pictures with Mary Fellows of the steeple and roof, and also submitted a bid with a remarkable presentation.
Building Administrator’s Report: Received some new recycling containers and one for cardboard and paper. Was anticipating one recycle bin to put everything in but did not receive it. The recycle bin is left in the room until filled, and emptied on Thursdays. The recycling was quoted at $25 for a 99/gal. container. The Radio Café held a show on March 24 which was sold out, and the show went very well. Received no major complaints and everything went smoothly. On March 25, opening day of the film, War Horse, the NBLA came with horses and memorabilia which drew a nice crowd. Received a call from Peter McGlauglin, and he was interested doing bomanite and treating the sidewalks. The building would need to have the sidewalks treated and on a yearly basis, and they haven’t been done in a while which requires extensive repair. There is some major deterioration, and on the North side of the building there are some major cracks.  The outside windows of the building also need to be washed because they haven’t been done in a while and it is starting to show. During Spring break, going to have two movies for the children PG rated, Huge & Big Miracle. Stray Cats wants to hold events in the Alexandria Room in November and next year which also involves a lot of Saturdays. There are 17 shows altogether and 11 Saturdays are involved. The event set up starts around 3pm and then the event is over around 11pm. Saturday is a premium night and if the party needs to pay the standard amount for the kitchen and the room. The rate right that was paid previously was $196/show. The commission needs to discuss whether or not a full day price needs to be paid since the event runs over 4 hours. A proposal should be submitted and reviewed to make sure no conflicts with other scheduled events.
Tom Long brought up the cost of staffing for the movies and if that could be reported on an ongoing basis for the monthly report to get a general idea of what the movie pictures are costing. Break out the cost of staffing on a weekly basis in a separate column on the monthly report. Mr. Long also spoke to Jean about the P&L, and the ticket sales do not match back to the P&L on a monthly basis. The sheets do not reconcile, on the P&L report in the month of March ticket sales was roughly at $8,600 but on the sheet submitted it states $10,000 in ticket sales. If there is a monthly breakdown that will help conserve in a more precise method of cost.
Karen Pierce requested the amounts on the bids submitted for the sound system in order to make a report showing the low and high end range.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano looked into the gold gilding and for such a small area it seems such like too high of an expense even with a bid under $13,000 for a 5 foot square area. Looked into a similar product which is painted on gold gilding, and looks exactly the same and actually lasts longer. The cost savings is roughly $5-6,000. McKenney Mechanical will be servicing the air conditioner unit for the theater this Thursday. This is a once a year service and the cost is roughly $600-$700. The bathroom is basically done; all the bars and soap dispensers are hung up just a few more minor repairs such as the pull string, etc. Received one bid to do the painting of the gymnasium floors, and the bid came in at $150. Going to wait to see if more bids will come in to see if receive better pricing. Need to also research more on the gold gilding and discover the best method and cost that will save the town time and more expense. Such as, research to see how many ounces of gold it will take to plate gilding.
Mary Hawley Society Report: Nothing to report at this time. Mary Hawley Society meeting at the end of April.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Mr. Juliano inquired about the hardware and what that material was. Mary Fellows and Tom Mahoney responsible for hardware which included batteries, supplies, cleaning materials, bins, rent set, orchestra curtain, cut keys, plexi glass, calk, etc. The elevator had to be serviced which cost $500 due to the fact company needed to come out on the weekend for emergency maintenance. Contract needs to be discussed because signed up for a 5 year contract in 2007, and paid them $3,000 at the beginning of this year, and are now paying quarterly $447.75. Commission needs to review contract to figure out what is included in contract service wise. Need to discuss whether a better deal can be agreed upon for both elevators. Also, need to review contract to see if emergency service should have been included in contract cost instead of being an additional fee. On January 15, 2012 the company needed to come out again to service elevator as it was not responding to any buttons, and at that point a payment in the amount of $1,172.78 was made for service call. The service company needed to replace the pulley system on the elevator, and the oil tank heater. The total amount paid to the service company in a two month period was roughly $4,600 for emergency service. In addition, commission received a bill from the State of Connecticut in the amount of $240 regarding the boiler servicing conducted by Hartford Steam Boiler which is also an $80 charge for each visit. Company came out twice in September, and during the first two visits the inspector came out when the boiler was not running but still charged $80 for the service visit. The third time the inspector came out the boiler was running but was not tagged. During the visit the inspector tagged the boiler at that point in time, and also charged $80 for that visit as well. Currently, the payroll is caught up at this time and is all set. There are two bills that the commission paid to two companies Columbia and Focus Feature in 2007, which have yet to clear at the bank which is an outstanding period of time. One bill is in the amount of $770.50 for (30) days and the second bill is for $581.70 which is for (90) days, and have never received any other bills for those two payments that have not cleared yet. A payment was also made on the Elavon credit card for $50 which also included the $30 yearly membership fee. The building expense came out to $28,018.18; the theater expense came to $10,055.04.  There are also (4-5) new bills for this month which are not reflected on the P & L statement. The month of March was not a good month which was determined because operating at a loss for the month. An updated P & L statement that reflects the correct amounts will allow the commission to really see where currently operating at for the month of March. Karen Pierce broke out the concession costs for this billing cycle and it came out to $4,634.96 for a month. Would like to break out the items that are sold in concession to be able to determine what is popular, and what creates a profit in order to be above cost. Mr. Long and Mrs. Pierce are going to review the elevator contract to try and determine what is actually included, and what services should be provided. Mrs. Smith was questioning if Hayden Baits will be allocated under theater. Mrs. Hall stated that his funds are under restoration accounting, but should be listed under theater. Hayden Baits performed a fundraiser for the Edmond Town Hall, and those funds that were raised will be put towards theater. Outstanding accounts to be discussed during the executive session due to privacy purposes.
Action on payment of bills: Mr. Juliano motioned to accept approval of paying bills totaling $38,123.22. Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Renovations Report: Mary Fellows reported that the painting and furnishings are done in staff space, and will have Glenn’s help this weekend to finish up. There is also a file cabinet behind the stage in the Alexandria Room, and one in the maintenance room and both are locked. Need to determine what is in them, and if any important documents need to be returned to the appropriate party and then the file cabinets can be disposed of. In the gym the backboards are painted, but just need to be put back up. Once staff space is wrapped up going to work on the Alexandria Room. New signage for the restrooms are in, and going to be installed along with the new toilet paper holders and soap dispensers.
Lease Documents: Marie Smith was curious if the leases have been given out yet, and it was determined they were not because they need to be reviewed and approved for changes. All parties are aware that the leases are past posted which allow them the space, but were informed that the leases need to be reviewed and are subject to changes. Parent Connection requested a month to month lease on the basis that they were leaving, but now Parent Connection is staying and should sign a year contact. Also, it needs to be stressed no food storage allowed in the building other than concession.
Hourly Rates: Mary Fellows submitted the draft of the day/hourly rental fee schedule to be reviewed. Margot Hall suggested that a timeline needs to be stated on the document to determine how long rates will be good for. There needs to be some type of notice that the rates are subject to change with any events scheduled after the specific date. Mrs. Hall suggested to seek legal advice as to how to word the document. Tom Long suggested a date of June 30, 2013 to follow along with fiscal year. Karen Pierce moves to approve the rate changes as written with legal guidance as how to transition the rates and Tom Long added as written with the addition that they are valid through June 30, 2013. Mr. Juliano moved to motion the acceptance of the day rental rates. Seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously carried.
Brochure: Mary Fellows reported that in 1929, was when the cornerstone of the Town Hall was layed, and opened in 1930 which was when it became a part of the National Registry. It was also when Mary Hawley decided to gift it to the town. Could not fit Edmond Town Hall because working with a Template, and can only fit and move certain things. Changed the verbiage about the totals on rentals, and added just a description of rooms, tables, chairs, etc. Changed the Sandy Hook date. Craft show photo, huge display case cabinet photo, and looking for a photo of inflatable in gymnasium to give idea of the size. Also, need insurance with rentals. The cost for about 100 pamphlets is about $60 for color. Might be able to print online, and save money as well which can also be folded into a data mailer.
New Business:
Mailing Procedure: Jeanne has been experiencing problems with mailing at the Municipal Center because the mail doesn’t always go out on that specific day. Also, have mailed out security deposit returns and have not been sent out in a timely basis because checks did not clear bank account. To cancel a check for being lost in mail is $25 which is an additional fee. Mrs. Hall suggested commission authorize Gene to have money for postage, and if have a large batch may bring up to municipal center. Tom Long suggested that a postage meter is always an option because allows you to do all your own postage and mailing. Margo makes a motion to proceed to take care of mailing needs for commission and managers office by getting postage stamps and doing own mailing. Marie Smith seconded and unanimously carried.
Special Meeting Date: Karen Pierce explained how a special meeting needs to be scheduled for May 1, to consider the report from the sub-committee. Should have everything put together within the next two weeks in order to review and have an executive session meeting to review sub-committee report. Everyone agrees upon Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 9:00am to hold executive session to report on sub-committee.
Comments: Mr. Juliano received a phone call from John Voket from the Newtown Bee last week asking if an organization he is involved with for supporting Autism can hang a banner on the front of the building. Mr. Juliano advised him he needed to talk to Jean St. Gene since it is contained within the borough of town. John Voket contacted Jean St.Gene and received permission to hang banner across the windows and he will bring in sign and the signed permission from Jean to hang banner. The banner should only hang on the front of the building for about a week or so.
Executive Session: Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, executive session was entered at 8:37pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk
Addendum to the minutes:
Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go out of Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed – 10:07 P.M.
Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith to send a letter to the Cultural Arts Commission in response to a letter dated April 2, 2012 regarding BTH billing for rental of the Theater. Letter attached. Motion unanimously approved.
Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Mary Fellows to bill the NEWTOWNER Magazine $25.00 p/hr for the addition time of 2.5 hrs. Incurred by this patron at the event in the Alexandria Room. Motion unanimously passed.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn this meeting. Motion unanimously approve at 10:15 P.M.
Margot S. Hall
Vice Chairman

The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of James Juliano, the minutes of March 14, 2012, seconded by Karen Piece and unanimously accepted as presented.  
Correspondence: Received a letter from the EPA requesting an inspection of the oil tank. The oil tank was due for an inspection in 2007, but never received one at that time. The EPA stressed that there are hefty fines involved if an inspection is not performed. Mr. Juliano received a contact number for an Environmental Service Contractor to come out and perform the work.
Mr. Juliano received a bid from Valley Restoration for the gold gilding in the amount of $19,560 which is somewhat on the high side. Mr. Juliano also, received a lower bid from a company out of New York which is qualified to do the work if contracted. A company out of New Hampshire came out and took pictures with Mary Fellows of the steeple and roof, and also submitted a bid with a remarkable presentation.
Building Administrator’s Report: Received some new recycling containers and one for cardboard and paper. Was anticipating one recycle bin to put everything in but did not receive it. The recycle bin is left in the room until filled, and emptied on Thursdays. The recycling was quoted at $25 for a 99/gal. container. The Radio Café held a show on March 24 which was sold out, and the show went very well. Received no major complaints and everything went smoothly. On March 25, opening day of the film, War Horse, the NBLA came with horses and memorabilia which drew a nice crowd. Received a call from Peter McGlauglin, and he was interested in having a bowling night and treating the sidewalks. The building would need to have the sidewalks treated and on a yearly basis, and they haven’t been done in a while which requires extensive repair. There is some major deterioration, and on the North side of the building there are some major cracks.  The outside windows of the building also need to be washed because they haven’t been done in a while and it is starting to show. During Spring break, going to have two movies for the children PG rated, Huge & Big Miracle. Straight Cats wants to hold events in the Alexandria Room in November and next year which also involves a lot of Saturdays. There are 17 shows altogether and 11 Saturdays are involved. The event set up starts around 3pm and then the event is over around 11pm. Saturday is a premium night and if the party needs to pay the standard amount for the kitchen and the room. The rate right that was paid previously was $196/show. The commission needs to discuss whether or not a full day price needs to be paid since the event runs over 4 hours. A proposal should be submitted and reviewed to make sure no conflicts with other scheduled events.
Tom Long brought up the cost of staffing for the movies and if that could be reported on an ongoing basis for the monthly report to get a general idea of what the movie pictures are costing. Break out the cost of staffing on a weekly basis in a separate column on the monthly report. Mr. Long also spoke to Jean about the P&L, and the ticket sales do not match back to the P&L on a monthly basis. The sheets do not reconcile, on the P&L report in the month of March ticket sales was roughly at $8,600 but on the sheet submitted it states $10,000 in ticket sales. If there is a monthly breakdown that will help conserve in a more precise method of cost.
Karen Pierce requested the amounts on the bids submitted for the sound system in order to make a report showing the low and high end range.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano looked into the gold gilding and for such a small area it seems such like too high of an expense even with a bid under $13,000 for a 5 foot square area. Looked into a similar product which is painted on gold gilding, and looks exactly the same and actually lasts longer. The cost savings is roughly $5-6,000. Kenny Mechanical will be servicing the air conditioner unit for the theater this Thursday. This is a once a year service and the cost is roughly $600-$700. The bathroom is basically done; all the bars and soap dispensers are hung up just a few more minor repairs such as the pull string, etc. Received one bid to do the painting of the gymnasium floors, and the bid came in at $150. Going to wait to see if more bids will come in to see if receive better pricing. Need to also research more on the gold gilding and discover the best method and cost that will save the town time and more expense. Such as, research to see how many ounces of gold it will take to plate gilding.
Mary Hawley Society Report: Nothing to report at this time. Mary Hawley Society meeting at the end of April.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Mr. Juliano inquired about the hardware and what that material was. Mary Fellows and Tom Mahoney responsible for hardware which included batteries, supplies, cleaning materials, bins, rent set, orchestra curtain, cut keys, plexi glass, calk, etc. The elevator had to be serviced which cost $500 due to the fact company needed to come out on the weekend for emergency maintenance. Contract needs to be discussed because signed up for a 5 year contract in 2007, and paid them $3,000 at the beginning of this year, and are now paying quarterly $447.75. Commission needs to review contract to figure out what is included in contract service wise. Need to discuss whether a better deal can be agreed upon for both elevators. Also, need to review contract to see if emergency service should have been included in contract cost instead of being an additional fee. On January 15, 2012 the company needed to come out again to service elevator as it was not responding to any buttons, and at that point a payment in the amount of $1,172.78 was made for service call. The service company needed to replace the pulley system on the elevator, and the oil tank heater. The total amount paid to the service company in a two month period was roughly $4,600 for emergency service. In addition, commission received a bill from the State of Connecticut in the amount of $240 regarding the boiler servicing conducted by Hartford Steam Boiler which is also an $80 charge for each visit. Company came out twice in September, and during the first two visits the inspector came out when the boiler was not running but still charged $80 for the service visit. The third time the inspector came out the boiler was running but was not tagged. During the visit the inspector tagged the boiler at that point in time, and also charged $80 for that visit as well. Currently, the payroll is caught up at this time and is all set. There are two bills that the commission paid to two companies Columbia and Focus Feature in 2007, which have yet to clear at the bank which is an outstanding period of time. One bill is in the amount of $770.50 for (30) days and the second bill is for $581.70 which is for (90) days, and have never received any other bills for those two payments that have not cleared yet. A payment was also made on the Elavon credit card for $50 which also included the $30 yearly membership fee. The building expense came out to $28,018.18; the theater expense came to $10,055.04.  There are also (4-5) new bills for this month which are not reflected on the P & L statement. The month of March was not a good month which was determined because operating at a loss for the month. An updated P & L statement that reflects the correct amounts will allow the commission to really see where currently operating at for the month of March. Karen Pierce broke out the concession costs for this billing cycle and it came out to $4,634.96 for a month. Would like to break out the items that are sold in concession to be able to determine what is popular, and what creates a profit in order to be above cost. Mr. Long and Mrs. Pierce are going to review the elevator contract to try and determine what is actually included, and what services should be provided. Mrs. Smith was questioning if Hayden Baits will be allocated under theater. Mrs. Hall stated that his funds are under restoration accounting, but should be listed under theater. Hayden Baits performed a fundraiser for the Edmond Town Hall, and those funds that were raised will be put towards theater. Outstanding accounts to be discussed during the executive session due to privacy purposes.
Action on payment of bills: Mr. Juliano motioned to accept approval of paying bills totaling $38,123.22. Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Renovations Report: Mary Fellows reported that the painting and furnishings are done in staff space, and will have Glenn’s help this weekend to finish up. There is also a file cabinet behind the stage in the Alexandria Room, and one in the maintenance room and both are locked. Need to determine what is in them, and if any important documents need to be returned to the appropriate party and then the file cabinets can be disposed of. In the gym the backboards are painted, but just need to be put back up. Once staff space is wrapped up going to work on the Alexandria Room. New signage for the restrooms are in, and going to be installed along with the new toilet paper holders and soap dispensers.
Lease Documents: Marie Smith was curious if the leases have been given out yet, and it was determined they were not because they need to be reviewed and approved for changes. All parties are aware that the leases are past posted which allow them the space, but were informed that the leases need to be reviewed and are subject to changes. Parent Connection requested a month to month lease on the basis that they were leaving, but now Parent Connection is staying and should sign a year contact. Also, it needs to be stressed no food storage allowed in the building other than concession.
Hourly Rates: Mary Fellows submitted the draft of the day/hourly rental fee schedule to be reviewed. Margot Hall suggested that a timeline needs to be stated on the document to determine how long rates will be good for. There needs to be some type of notice that the rates are subject to change with any events scheduled after the specific date. Mrs. Hall suggested to seek legal advice as to how to word the document. Tom Long suggested a date of June 30, 2013 to follow along with fiscal year. Karen Pierce moves to approve the rate changes as written with legal guidance as how to transition the rates and Tom Long added as written with the addition that they are valid through June 30, 2013. Mr. Juliano moved to motion the acceptance of the day rental rates. Seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously carried.
Brochure: Mary Fellows reported that in 1929, was when the cornerstone of the Town Hall was layed, and opened in 1930 which was when it became a part of the National Registry. It was also when Mary Hawley decided to gift it to the town. Could not fit Edmond Town Hall because working with a Template, and can only fit and move certain things. Changed the verbiage about the totals on rentals, and added just a description of rooms, tables, chairs, etc. Changed the Sandy Hook date. Craft show photo, huge display case cabinet photo, and looking for a photo of inflatable in gymnasium to give idea of the size. Also, need insurance with rentals. The cost for about 100 pamphlets is about $60 for color. Might be able to print online, and save money as well which can also be folded into a data mailer.
New Business:
Mailing Procedure: Gene has been experiencing problems with mailing at the Municipal Center because the mail doesn’t always go out on that specific day. Also, have mailed out security deposit returns and have not been sent out in a timely basis because checks did not clear bank account. To cancel a check for being lost in mail is $25 which is an additional fee. Mrs. Hall suggested commission authorize Gene to have money for postage, and if have a large batch may bring up to municipal center. Tom Long suggested that a postage meter is always an option because allows you to do all your own postage and mailing. Margo makes a motion to proceed to take care of mailing needs for commission and managers office by getting postage stamps and doing own mailing. Marie Smith seconded and unanimously carried.
Special Meeting Date: Karen Pierce explained how a special meeting needs to be scheduled for May 1, to consider the report from the sub-committee. Should have everything put together within the next two weeks in order to review and have an executive session meeting to review sub-committee report. Everyone agrees upon Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 9:00am to hold executive session to report on sub-committee.
Comments: Mr. Juliano received a phone call from John Voket from the Newtown Bee last week asking if an organization he is involved with for supporting Autism can hang a banner on the front of the building. Mr. Juliano advised him he needed to talk to Gene St. Gene since it is contained within the borough of town. John Voket contacted Gene St.Gene and received permission to hang banner across the windows and he will bring in sign and the signed permission from Gene to hang banner. The banner should only hang on the front of the building for about a week or so.
Executive Session: Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, executive session was entered at 8:37pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk
Addendum to the minutes:
Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go out of Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed – 10:07 P.M.
Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith to send a letter to the Cultural Arts Commission in response to a letter dated April 2, 2012 regarding BTH billing for rental of the Theater. Letter attached. Motion unanimously approved.
Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Mary Fellows to bill the NEWTOWNER Magazine $25.00 p/hr for the addition time of 2.5 hrs. Incurred by this patron at the event in the Alexandria Room. Motion unanimously passed.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn this meeting. Motion unanimously approve at 10:15 P.M.
Margot S. Hall
Vice Chairman